Dosing Guide


With CBD therapy, there is no “one size fits all” dose.

The dosage window for CBD is enormous, with some folks finding relief with a microdose of 1mg per day, while others find 200 mg 2x per day to be ideal. It can take a few days or weeks to determine your optimal products and dosing strategy, but with the help of this guide, you’ll know exactly where to start.

Note: before starting a CBD regimen, check out our FAQ to learn more about potential drug interactions.

A few things to remember as you begin your journey with CBD:

#1 “Start low, go slow.”

Oftentimes with CBD, less is more, and more might not necessarily be what you need. CBD is what is called a “biphasic” molecule, meaning that in different dosages, it may have different effects. Many users notice that small doses (anywhere from 1mg- 50mg) make them feel alert, while large doses (50mg-100mg and above) can sometimes result in drowsiness.

Everyone’s body chemistry is unique, and you may find that a small dose for you is a large one for someone else, and vice versa. 

#2 Be prepared to experiment with different dosages for different applications.

This means patience. The time it takes to find your ideal dose varies from individual to individual: some people get it right the first time, others might need a few weeks to figure out the appropriate dose for the appropriate context. 

#3 Start a CBD journal.

Trial and error is the name of the game until you find your “sweet spot.” Be patient (and diligent) with your notes and observations as you explore how CBD works with your body. Noting how you feel, the time of day, your mood, the product and your dose are helpful things to document when keeping a CBD journal.


Can you overdose on CBD?

No. A number of studies have been conducted using CBD oil in concentrations of over 800mg/per serving, while the vast majority of folks will be able to find relief with dosages far below 100mg/day.

What about dosing pets?

Animals have Endocannabinoid Systems, too. But they tend to be much more sensitive to the effects of CBD, so lower doses and slower titration periods might be necessary to get it right for our furry friends.



Practical considerations in medical cannabis administration and dosing: